Janesville to Madison, WI to Albert Lea, MN to Sioux Falls, SD |
Tomo left Janesville, WI Saturday morning and went up to Madison, WI and got his wiper fixed. Then hit the road towards Sioux falls. On the way, where I-90 and I-35 intersect at Albert Lea, Minnesota I met up with Larry Pendell. Larry was traveling south on I-35 towards Iowa and we decide have our Xmas dinner together at junction the truck stop. We didn't have anything fancy but was good to visit. Tomo just had a breakfast platter of Hash Browns and 2 eggs and a ground beef patty and a English muffin. It was actual his first meal of the day so it disappeared pretty quickly. After that, Tomo headed to Sioux falls SD and got to a truck stop right off of I-90 and I-29. With help from friends and workers he had a meeting figured out for Sunday. So on Sunday, he had a shower in the morning and drove up to the meeting place. The family said that they have had truckers come by for meeting before and that I wasn't the first. So it was pretty easy for them to give me instructions for coming in to their neighborhood and where to park. It worked out very nicely. The meeting was from 10:00 and there were 20 people including me, 2 babies and 2 little children. It was my first fellowship meeting since I started driving and it was really nice. (When I started driving, I seemed to be following the Special Meeting routes with Castle Rock, CO, then Salt Lake, Utah, and then again in Yakima, WA) In South Dakota, they don't stand up to give their testimonies, and so that brought back memories from being back home in Japan.
After meeting, Tomo noticed that his truck wasn't charging the battery. His guess was ... that this meant either the alternator is shot or the belts are loose. Also, he was having some problems with his air lines freezing up and not getting his air tanks charged. He did some work on the air lines by putting air brake antifreeze in the lines but not sure how well he got it in. So he headed to a repair shop to wait his turn to get looked at and find out what was going on with his alternator/belts and see if they could put some antifreeze through out the whole air systems.
In The Shop, Checking the alternator and the air lines. |
Since the truck was not charging the battery, that meant my fridge is off duty right now and my computer was not charging either, so with low power, he didn't have a whole lot to do.
Oh well... just rest as much as he can for he will be on the road before too long. He is suppose to be in Burnaby, BC Canada by Wednesday. He still got time.
(Tomo, this is from Steve T. from Gaidai. Mom)
I read the blog tonight and it appears that he has already had more adventures than most of his former classmates might hope for in many years to come.
There was no option for sending messages that I could see, but it is not important. Just tell him that I am following his path with great interest and wish him very good luck out there on the road in the big country. I hope that the way I signed in will keep me posted about his motions.
We live just 2 miles off of Interstate 80 at Sidney, Nebraska if Tomo is ever going through this way. Have Sunday morning meeting in our home. The Printz's
From Marge Olofson (We met together at Rob & Darlene's. Mom)
Judy, it was so interesting following Tomo's travels with your help. I know you are so proud of your son and his accomplisments. It doesn't seem that long ago that I saw him at Olympia convention as a little boy.Thanks for sharing.
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