Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Snow in Saskatoon!!

Tomo was in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan over the weekend and woke on Sunday morning to Snow!!  Not his favorite thing anymore.  He was to head out to Edmonton, Alberta on Monday early morning but due to a mix up in the fuel payment, he had to hang about the Flying J Truck stop until the office opened up on Monday morning to give a clearance for fuel for his truck.  

Finally at 10 am Saskatoon time, he was fueled up and ready to roll. 

He headed up to Edmonton, Alberta.  He arrived at 3:30 pm and dropped his load of black fabric, shown below at 6 pm. 
Those black rolls of fabric is what I hauled to Edmonton.
The company told him to shut down for the night in Edmonton and wait for the next assignment.  ( His guess it that he will be picking up a load of peat moss or wood shavings, then heading south to the States somewhere. 

The countdown is on!!!  Only a few more days until he says good bye to Western Motor Freight. D-day is November 11, 2011!

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