Friday, December 23, 2011


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On December 12th, Tomo left Seattle International Airport at 6:15 pm flying to Mumbai, India via London.  Tomo arrived in Heathrow-London on time at 11:25 am on the 13th. 

He had about a nine hour layover in London, so he took advantage of the chance and bought a Day Tube pass and headed into the city.   He found his way around central London and from the window of the McDonald's, he was able to get this photo of IS NOT Big Ben (MOM'S MISTAKE) it is St. Pancras Railway Station Clock Tower in the distance and King's Cross Station.  

Tomo popped into the King's Cross Station to see the Platform 9 3/4 that goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter Series.  Then he headed back to the airport to continue his journey to Mumbai.  Tomo said "I gotta come back to London again when I'm rich!! It's awesome!!!"

The only struggle is that he is use to having wifi service almost everywhere he goes in the States and Canada, but it is a bit different in other parts of the world.  His trip has started out good and he is having a great time. 

On December 13th, Tomo left London at 9:25 pm and flew to Mumbai (Bombay), India.  He arrived at the International Airport in Mumbai at 11:45 am on the 14th. There he was to change planes to fly to Bengaluru (Bangalore).  However, he needed to move from the International airport over to the Domestic Airport.  

Point A is the Mumbai International Terminal.  Point B is the Mumbai Domestic 

The distance is about 7 miles and should cost about $3.  However, Tomo was caught off guard as we didn't know that he would have to change terminals, and so when he to the autorikshaw, the driver charged him $10.  Pretty nice tip for the guy!!  Tomo knew after he got out and paid the guy, he had been ripped off, but in reality in the States $10 for a taxi would be a deal.  Live and learn!!

He found a public computer in Mumbai Domestic Airport and was able to use his waiting time filling us in.  He said that so far things are good. No jet lag or anything either.  His comment from Mumbai Airport was 

" haha, things are a lot different, smells different, nice and warm, a little humid.  Waaaaaaaay better than the forsaken frozen North Dakota and Montana."

Someone was to pick him up at Bengaluru (Bangalore) Airport.  He said that he sure hoped they would be there!!  

AS it turned out, on December 14th, Tomo was picked up upon his arrival in Bengaluru (Bangalore) Airport at 5:45 pm.  The next day, Tomo rode on a chartered van with the visiting workers and friends to Mysore, India convention.  In this van, Tomo met up with his cousin and visiting sister worker, Mariko Fujii.  They were seated next to each other in the van.  During this trip Mariko received a message telling of her mother's death.  It was a true blessing that Tomo was with her at this time and a true support to her.  Mariko's mother has been bedridden for 19+ years and has been slipping little by little this past few months.  It was not a huge surprise to them, and yet the passing still pulls at our hearts.  She is now in a better place and that is a sweet release and blessing.  

On Sunday after Mysore Convention, the visiting workers and friends traveled back to Bengaluru (Bangalore).  On Monday, Tomo helped with preps and setting up the meeting tent.  

Bangalore conv. meeting tent
Bangalore conv grounds. At a Catholic college. "Vidya Deep College"

On Tuesday the 20th, during the Worker's meetings, Tomo went into town with the two Sri Lankan young men.  These young men have been traveling together since Tomo arrive in Bangalore.  They were joined by two girls that came to Bangalore on Monday, the girls are living in  Germany but one is there for study and she's actually from Romania. 

Two Sri Lankan boys, Luke and Sean, two girls, Julia from Germany, Oana from Romania are here until the end of Bangalore Convention. We did some shopping. The girls were looking for sarees, and the boys were after some random stuff including a shopping list from their Moms.  This was due to the prices being cheaper in India than in Sri Lanka. We all walked around for about  7 hours or so, and rode rikisha twice. 

Tomo is doing well and enjoying his time in India.  He sends his greeting to all. 

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