Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monday morning on a heavy load job!!

Tomo pulled two "Kitamura" laths to a shop in Seattle.  
Part of the job was to place and install the laths in the shop.  

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Beginning of MOVING DAY

Tomo had to work on a Saturday but it included a corporate breakfast and a lunch so it was a bonus.  Officially started our shop move.  Checkmate Industries Rigging Service is moving to a new shop.  We got 50% of it or so done today.  Snow was coming down pretty good during the move.  It didn't last long but was cold and wet and miserable to work outside.  

The old shop

The old shop

On the move ....

A little evening 4 x 4 hike up the mountain.  After Tanner getting stuck in 8 inches of wet slippery snow, we decided to call it quits and head back down the mountain.  

Friday, February 24, 2012

Job for the day 2

Early in the morning Tomo delivered a HAAS lathe to a aircraft related parts fabrication shop in Arlington, WA.  Then he got back to Granite Falls by 8:30 am.  Next job was to clean up our shop and get ready to move to the new one, including the task of washing down a 53 ft. dry van that has been sitting for two years.  We are going to pack all the stuff into it and haul it down the road a mile to the new shop.    
Let's Go Sleepy Head!
Towmo Forklift
Before the HAAS
After the HAAS
The dark strip on top was out of my reach.
Later got lifted up with a forklift and got it cleaned.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Back on the Road AGAIN!!

Tomo is in Granite Fall, Washington working around trucks again.  He is helping out with some heavy load transports for a small company that is near where he worked for the first three years in Washington.  He has enjoyed doing heavy load transports.  

Back working around Trucks!!
Let's Roll!!! 
My set up for the day
Hooking up to a curtain bed.
Today's job #1 
Today's job #2
Not speeding!!  Just not focused!
Picking up the machines in Sea-Tac.
Front one 19,800 lbs, rear one 13,600 lbs.

Picking up the machines in Sea-Tac.
Front one 19,800 lbs, rear one 13,600 lbs.

Manufacture name "Tow Motor"
40,000 lbs fork lift

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Update on the travels of Trucker Tomo .......

Tomo is back from his trip to India and Sri Lanka.  Slowly but surely he is getting back into the winter way of life. He decide that he needed a hair cut and here is a point at which he was considering a 'Mohawk'.  Luckily he chose to continue on with his old clean style.  

Here we find Tomo riding shotgun with Larry as he does some errands around the town.  It was so kind of Bingo 2 to help Tomo with a good ear cleaning.  

One day Tomo help with the clean up at the convention grounds at Olympia after the heavy snow fall and then the ice storm did some damage to the surrounding trees.  

Tomo has been working a bit here and there with a man who owns a transport company and specializes in oversized, weight moves.  By the end of the month, Tomo hopes to have himself lined up with a new job and back on the road.  Not sure where or when but that is the current plan.  

One evening Tomo and the boys went out for a little target practice. 

On another evening, Tomo headed to the arena to watch his old team play hockey.  Boy was he wanting to be out there playing instead of watching!!

So while he is in the area, Tomo is making sure to stay in shape with a bit of Friendly Hockey. 

Guess who is who? 

Enjoying an evening with the little Milan and having fun playing the Uncle.  

Friday, February 3, 2012

On to Sri Lanka .....

Colombo Convention

Colombo Sights

Elephant Orphanage

Sea Turtle Hatchery

Tea Factory

Clay and the Potters

Wood working

Friends in Sri Lanka

This is the Sign I really think I need!

This is really just a sample of all the photos Tomo took and all the explanation is up to him!!

All in all, he had a fantastic time with the exception of the final day at the airport.  In Colombo, they refused to allow him to carry his backpack into the plane and made him check it.  Not really the world traveler, he never thought twice about it.  Well, the dear efficient flight staff checked his pack all the way to Seattle!!  The young man left Colombo bound for Mumbai, changing planes then on to London and final leg on to Seattle.  The temperature in Colombo was 27 degrees C and he was in a cotton thin t-shirt and flip flops.  When he landed in Mumbai and asked for his luggage to change in preparation for London and then Seattle weather..... NO WAY!!  CHECKED ALL THE WAY BUDDY, NO CAN DO!!  So, here is a 22 year old young man walking around in London's Heathrow in flip flops and a t-shirt.  Having spent enough on his trip already, he determinedly did his best and arrived in Seattle wearing the same summer weather clothes he left Colombo in.  Live and learn is a method often used in our family!!!