Friday, February 3, 2012

On to Sri Lanka .....

Colombo Convention

Colombo Sights

Elephant Orphanage

Sea Turtle Hatchery

Tea Factory

Clay and the Potters

Wood working

Friends in Sri Lanka

This is the Sign I really think I need!

This is really just a sample of all the photos Tomo took and all the explanation is up to him!!

All in all, he had a fantastic time with the exception of the final day at the airport.  In Colombo, they refused to allow him to carry his backpack into the plane and made him check it.  Not really the world traveler, he never thought twice about it.  Well, the dear efficient flight staff checked his pack all the way to Seattle!!  The young man left Colombo bound for Mumbai, changing planes then on to London and final leg on to Seattle.  The temperature in Colombo was 27 degrees C and he was in a cotton thin t-shirt and flip flops.  When he landed in Mumbai and asked for his luggage to change in preparation for London and then Seattle weather..... NO WAY!!  CHECKED ALL THE WAY BUDDY, NO CAN DO!!  So, here is a 22 year old young man walking around in London's Heathrow in flip flops and a t-shirt.  Having spent enough on his trip already, he determinedly did his best and arrived in Seattle wearing the same summer weather clothes he left Colombo in.  Live and learn is a method often used in our family!!!  

1 comment:

Shirley said...

Really enjoyed all the photos! It was like a little mini virtual tour! And of course, enjoying having Tomo back here with us. :)