Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tallahassee----ing around Florida!

On the way to Tallahassee, Florida to visit a friend along the way.  It was great to have a local friend to share this area with me.  It was also nice to catch up on the news.  

Interesting things happen along the way .....

Statement:  Tallahassee Mall seems to be going out of business!!?!
                  It's almost dead.  Almost! But not quite. 

That being said,  I could have gotten arrested by the Tallahassee Police Department tonight ....  Almost, but not quite!


For trespassing on private property = (The Tallahassee Mall Parking Lot!).

I was parked in this same mall parking lot because I was out of hours and resetting my hours.  This Mall Parking lot is "NOT GATED, HAS NO SIGNS OR INDICATION TO NOT PARK IN THIS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, BEHIND THE DEAD MALL, WHERE GENERAL CUSTOMERS DON'T EVEN PARK" area.  I was approached by Mall Security (wannabe cops).  They were going to make a big deal out of it and try to kick me out.  I told them to call the cops (that had no idea about commercial vehicle law enforcement anyway) and let them force me out, I just wanted an endorsement from a law enforcement officer, so I would be safe once I got on the road to get to a safe parking area.  

In the process of "ARGUING" with the cops and the wannabe cops (mall security) about being out of hours and that I can't legally drive on the road, one of the three cops threatened me about the arrest bit.  I really wanted to smack him sooooo  bad!  Honestly.......  It took me a little more push to squeeze a business card out of the Sergeant with a verbal endorsement, I was on my happy way.   

What a way to end a day!!

Still steaming mad at the wannabe cops but knowing that I'm almost positive they are going to be out of a job sooner or later.  Kind of feel bad....... but not really!
Tallahassee has some beautiful scenery and 
some creatures that demand your respect!!  
some very nice photos by a friend, thank you, D. 
Nice waterway but not for swimming! 
Just your friendly welcoming party!
Another friend in the weeds!
This might be a difficult climb in the time of need....
Large birds....
Ripples and bubbles from the manatee.
Another gatorrrrrr friend!
beautiful to look at.....
Long yellowish something under the water in the center
and off to the right back is the famous manatee!

Manatee ---- Sea Cow

Don't you just love the smile!
There is something over there.....
From the safety of the tour boat!
Another of the big birds!
large bird in the top right corner.  
Just getting my tan!

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