Since last December to present Tomo and Larry have traveled across the country. Here are a few of the routes they have travelled. They initially got a load from Portland, Oregon to Atlanta, Georgia.

Cold air temperature in Eastern Oregon.
Little chilly tonight in eastern OR
−1℉ = −18℃でした‼
−1℉ = −18℃でした‼
Happy new year!
Team driving again with Larry P. Pendell. We started out at Benton City, WA and deadheaded to Portland, OR to pickup out first load of the year.Just like last year, basically Larry is going to drive during the day and I will drive at night.
Start: Boardman, OR (18:30)
End: Willard, UT (06:30)
Driving miles: 557
Total service hours: 10.0 h
Driving: 9.5 h
On duty not driving: 0.5 h
今年の前半は友人とチームを組んで仕事することになりました。ト ラック1台を2人で基本的に24時間体制で運行します。昼間は友 人が、夜間は僕が担当します。友人宅があるワシントン州 ベントン市を出発し、オレゴン州 ポートランド市まで回送。ポートランド市内にて積込後、ジョージ ア州 アトランタ市に向け出発。途中オレゴン州 ボードマン市近郊にてドライバー交代。
01/18/2013 - 01/19/2013
発: オレゴン州 ボードマン市近郊 (18:30)
着: ユタ州 ウィラード市 (06:30)
総走行距離: 896 km
総運行時間: 10.0 時間
運転時間: 9.5 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
01/18/2013 - 01/19/2013
発: オレゴン州 ボードマン市近郊 (18:30)
着: ユタ州 ウィラード市 (06:30)
総走行距離: 896 km
総運行時間: 10.0 時間
運転時間: 9.5 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
Went as far as Platte city, MO and got to mtg in Camden Point, MO. Now off to bed and another 850 miles to Atlanta.
01/19/2013 - 01/20/2013
Start: Ogallala, NE (19:00)
End: Platte City, MO (06:45)
Driving miles: 435
Total service hours: 7.25 h
Driving: 7.0 h
On duty not driving: 0.25 h
01/19/2013 - 01/20/2013
Start: Ogallala, NE (19:00)
End: Platte City, MO (06:45)
Driving miles: 435
Total service hours: 7.25 h
Driving: 7.0 h
On duty not driving: 0.25 h
最終目的地のジョージア州 アトランタ市まであと1370km。明日明朝の到着予定。
01/19/2013 - 01/20/2013
発: ネブラスカ州 オガララ市 (19:00)
着: ミズーリ州 プラッテ市 (06:45)
総走行距離: 700 km
総運行時間: 7.25 時間
運転時間: 7.0 時間運転以外: 0.25 時間
Arrived in Atlanta, GA. Found out the customer is not going to be open on MLK day and we won't get unloaded until Tuesday afternoon.
01/20/2013 - 01/21/3013 Start: Paducah, KY (19:30)
End: Atlanta, GA (01:45)
Driving miles: 383
Total service hours: 6.25 h
Driving: 5.75 h
On duty not driving: 0.5 h
ジョージア州 アトランタ市に到着。到着後に発覚したことが月曜日に荷卸予定が
01/20/2013 - 01/21/2013
発: ケンタッキー州 パデューカ市
着: ジョージア州 アトランタ市
総走行距離: 616 km
総運行時間: 6.25 時間
運転時間: 5.75 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
01/20/2013 - 01/21/2013
発: ケンタッキー州 パデューカ市
着: ジョージア州 アトランタ市
総走行距離: 616 km
総運行時間: 6.25 時間
運転時間: 5.75 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
01/21/2013 - 01/22/3013
Off duty in Atlanta, GA
01/21/2013 - 01/22/2013
ジョージア州 アトランタ市内にて休日
Off duty in Atlanta, GA
01/21/2013 - 01/22/2013
ジョージア州 アトランタ市内にて休日
Load # 02
01/23/2013 - 01/24/2013
From: McDonough, GA
To: Charlotte, NC
Commodity: HazMat (Sodium Hydroxide, Phosphoric Acid,Hypochlorite Solution)
Weight: 40500 lbs
Loaded miles: 225
積荷 # 02
01/23/2013 - 01/24/2013
積込: ジョージア州 マックドノー市
卸先: ノースカロライナ州 シャーロット市
荷品: 危険物 (水酸化ナトリウム, リン酸, 次亜塩素酸)
荷重: 18370 kg
距離: 362 km

Who said truckers don't/can't cook...
New Orleans Style Jambalaya is the way to go people
New Orleans Style Jambalaya is the way to go people
Load # 03
01/24/2013 - 01/28/2012
From: Shelby, NC
To: Rokonkoma, NY
Commodity: Paper products
Weight: 19000 lbs
Loaded miles: 760
積荷 # 03
01/24/2013 - 01/28/2013
積込: ノースカロライナ州 シェルビー市
卸先: ニューヨーク州 ロンコンコマ市
荷品: 紙製品
荷重: 8618 kg
距離: 1223 km
Proof of working...
I'll say upfront, nothing's gonna happen. It's just me driving in to Ronkonkoma, NY. In the background other than the noise of the truck is larry playing a game
on his phone.
Larry picked up Load#2 and delivered it.
Headed to Shelby, NC to get loaded with load #3.
01/24/2013 - 01/25/3013
Start: Roanoke, VA (19:15)
End: Ronkonkoma, NY (09:00)
Driving miles: 509
Total service hours: 9.5 h
Driving: 9.0 h
On duty not driving: 0.5 h
01/24/2013 - 01/25/2013
発: ヴァージニア州 ロアノーク市
着: ニューヨーク州 ロンコンコマ市
総走行距離: 819 km
総運行時間: 9.5 時間
運転時間: 9.0 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
01/26/2013 − 01/27/2013
Off duty / ロンコンコマ市内にて休日
01/24/2013 - 01/25/3013
Start: Roanoke, VA (19:15)
End: Ronkonkoma, NY (09:00)
Driving miles: 509
Total service hours: 9.5 h
Driving: 9.0 h
On duty not driving: 0.5 h
01/24/2013 - 01/25/2013
発: ヴァージニア州 ロアノーク市
着: ニューヨーク州 ロンコンコマ市
総走行距離: 819 km
総運行時間: 9.5 時間
運転時間: 9.0 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
01/26/2013 − 01/27/2013
Off duty / ロンコンコマ市内にて休日

Birthday dinner and Xgames
Load # 04
01/28/2013 - 01/30/2012
From: Central Islip, NY
To: Oklahoma City, OK
Commodity: Paper products
Weight: 28000 lbs
Loaded miles: 1545
積荷 # 04
01/28/2013 - 01/30/2013
積込: ニューヨーク州 セントラル アイスリップ市
卸先: オクラホマ州 オクラホマ市
荷品: 紙製品
荷重: 12700 kg
距離: 2486 km
Got to to a Sunday mtg in Sayville, NY. had a very very nice visit with the elder couple that had the mtg. as well as gospel mtg in down town Brooklyn. That was very interesting trip in to the busy town. Over all had a wonderful Sunday.

Just out side of the location for gospel mtg in Brooklyn.

Gotta have pizza when your in NY
01/28/2013 - 01/29/3013
Start: Ronkonkoma, NY (04:30)
End: Central Islip, NY (05:30)
Start: Youngstown, OH (19:00)
End: Pacific, MO (06:30)
Driving miles: 640
Total service hours: 11.75 h
Driving: 11.25 h
On duty not driving: 0.5 h
01/28/2013 - 01/29/2013
発: ニューヨーク州 ロンコンコマ市 (04:30)
着: ニューヨーク州 セントラル アイスリップ市 (05:30)
発: オハイオ州 ヤングスタウン市 (19:00)
着:ミズーリ州 パシフィック市 (06:30)
総走行距離: 1030 km
総運行時間: 11.75 時間
運転時間: 11.25 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
Start: Ronkonkoma, NY (04:30)
End: Central Islip, NY (05:30)
Start: Youngstown, OH (19:00)
End: Pacific, MO (06:30)
Driving miles: 640
Total service hours: 11.75 h
Driving: 11.25 h
On duty not driving: 0.5 h
01/28/2013 - 01/29/2013
発: ニューヨーク州 ロンコンコマ市 (04:30)
着: ニューヨーク州 セントラル アイスリップ市 (05:30)
発: オハイオ州 ヤングスタウン市 (19:00)
着:ミズーリ州 パシフィック市 (06:30)
総走行距離: 1030 km
総運行時間: 11.75 時間
運転時間: 11.25 時間
運転以外: 0.5 時間
Load # 05
01/30/2013 - 02/01/2012
From: Irving, TX
To: Middle Town, PA
Commodity: FedEx freight
Weight: 25000 lbs
Loaded miles: 1395
積荷 # 05
01/30/2013 - 02/01/2013
積込: テキサス州 アーヴィング市
卸先: ペンシルバニア州 ミドルタウン市
荷品: FedEx 貨物
荷重: 11340 kg距離: 2245 km
#1Results of a truck and police car kissing each other is neither romantic nor pretty.
Amazingly the trees and bushes didn't catch fire when it had a truck and trailer go up in flames just 10ft away. Aftermath of the fire ended in the whole cargo turning in to charcoal and remaining parts of the truck was just the frame sitting on the pavement.
Just another day on the road...
Load # 06
Delivery&Reload: Falconer, NY
Pickup #2: Jamestown, NY
To: East Greenville, PA
Commodity: Furniture
Weight: 2500 lbs
Loaded miles: 700
積荷 # 06
01/31/2013 - 02/01/2013
積込: ペンシルバニア州 イースト グリーンビル市
卸先・再積込: ニューヨーク州 ファルコナー市
積込 #2: ニューヨーク州 ジェームズタウン市
最終卸先: ペンシルバニア州 イースト グリーンビル市
荷品: 家具荷重: 1134 kg
距離: 1126 km
Got in to Middle Town, PA a day early and was able to get another load before the weekend.
Start: Mt.Vernon, TX (17:45)
End: Baxter, TN (06:30)
Driving miles: 6400
1/31/2013 - 02/01/2013
Start: Middle Town, PA (19:30)
End: Falconer, NY (06:15)
Driving miles: 452
01/30/2013 - 01/31/2013
発: テキサス州 マウントヴァーノン市 (17:45)
着: テネシー州 バックスター市 (06:30)
総走行距離: 1030 km
01/31/2013 - 02/01/2013
発: ペンシルバニア州 ミドルタウン市 (19:30)
着: ニューヨーク州 ファルコナー市 (06:15)
総走行距離: 727 km
Load # 07
02/05/2013 - 02/07/2012
From: Middle Town, PA
To: Salt Lake City, UT
Commodity: FedEx Freight
Weight: 25000 lbs
Loaded miles: 2050
積荷 # 07
02/05/2013 - 02/07/2013
積込: ペンシルバニア州 ミドルタウン市
卸先: ユタ州 ソルトレイク市
荷品: FedEx 貨物
荷重: 11340 kg
距離: 3299 km
Feb. 5th
Chicken Alfredo for dinner here at FedEx before departure.
Feb. 13th
Wednesday night mtg in Atlanta, GA.
cant get any better than this.
cant get any better than this.
Starting in Middletown, Pennsylvania with a load of FED EX to Salt Lake City, Utah, then they dropped and picked up a new load of FEX EX and headed to Corley, Georgia. Then in Corley, Georgia, they dropped that load and picked up another FED EX load for Baltimore, Maryland. All of these were FED EX Loads. The idea was that this assignment would be a steady and consistent with good routes. However the drop dates and the pick up dates sometimes were not smooth enough, causing for two or three days lay overs at the drop destination. This is not good for a driver operator, as they are not paid for the down time, and very difficult to pick up short delivery loads in those areas.
Load #8
The Two Truckers found a load that was:
From: Williamsport, Pennsylvania
To: Seattle, Washington
To: the Portland, Oregon area for two drops there.

Feb. 17th
Heart attack!!
Feb. 17th
Yet another wonderful Sunday mtg. This time in Kimball, NE and actually the 2nd time around. Last time was union for July of 2012. It was great to be back there again.
Tomo is NOW starting his NEXT new adventure as a driver for a owner operator. Tomo finished up his time driving the Big Blue Peterbilt for the driver that broke his leg at the beginning of December. He headed back up to Washington to take care of some unfinished business. Tomo spent the remaining part of December and first of January in Washington having the joy of experiencing the extraction of his FOUR wisdom teeth in one shot. He was fully medicated and so the operation went off well, much better than he had been warned about. During this down time, Tomo and his buddy Larry decided that they would begin team driving again. From mid January to mid February, the boys worked hard crossing the States delivering for FedEx as well as some other companies. Luckily they were in the southern parts of the US during the snowy periods. With Larry driving days and Tomo driving nights, they were keeping the Baby Blue Truck going. It was a busy month and Larry realized that he would be better back driving for a company than being his own operater. So that lead up to the decision for Tomo to buy Larry Baby Blue Truck and set up his own ONE MAN operation!!
Photos courtesy of Cliff P.
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Impressed :)
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