Monday, February 21, 2011

The Next Run is .... to Montana for repairs!!

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Tomo had a two day of rest and relaxation in Windsor, Colorado with some lovely friends and their kids.  He headed back on the road up to Cheyenne, Wyoming to pick up a load of empty pet bottles.  This is a very light load.  These bottles are bound for Edmonton, Alberta but Tomo will pass it off to another driver as his truck is due in for some repair work in Billings.  He looks to be in the Billings area for at least a half day or more.  After clipping the unwise deer, some of the electrical components are not working so well.  The repair mechanic needs to put things back in place and check out some other points that have come up, like the 'jack brake'.  This important component has a mind of it's own and chooses the wrong time to work (going up hill) and the wrong time to take holiday (when going down hill)!!  Not a really helpful situation.  

More photos to follow as internet service comes available.  Maybe..... ; )

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