Sunday, February 20, 2011

On the road to a secret venue!!! Going to visit my buddies!!

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At the last posting ....  February 15th .... Tomo was waiting for the word as to what he was suppose to do.  He had a load ready to go up to Calgary but was not able to move due to regulations. Probably another trailer swap for Tomo and he will be heading for ...... 

Well orders came in.  Tomo was told to head south to Shelby, Montana and spend the night there.  The next day (FEb 16th) he was to head to Lewistown, Montana to pick up a load of peat moss.  

Here is Tomo's trailer being cross loaded without scales in Lewistown, Montana
Outside of Billings, Montana
On Feb. 17th, Tomo left Billings, Montana and headed south.  He had a full DOT (Department of Transportation) inspection at the first scale in Wyoming on I-90.  This was taken care of real quick and the Tomo kept heading south. 

Middle of Wyoming

Driving Through Cheyenne, Wyoming
However, just before the first scale in Colorado, one of the airline blew out of the fittings and Tomo was forced to park at the scale for the night.  The following morning in Fort Collins, Colorado (Feb 18th) a guy came out and fix it. 

Dropping a load of peat moss in Platteville, Colorado

On Feb 18th, Tomo dropped this load of peat moss at the site in Platteville, Colorado. (This load was a real pain!  The weight was over and out of balance, and this was a nightmare to try to adjust the weights on the trailer's wheel base.) 

Nik's Basketball game at school (#82)
Then Tomo was released for the weekend to spend with his buddies in Windsor.Here is Tomo's buddy Nik playing in his basketball game in Windsor!!   
Tomo being silly with his buddies, Nik and Ellie

Not sure why Tomo is looking so....... 
The Windsor friends enjoyed having Tomo spend the weekend with them. Tomo made amazing soba noodles tonight and we also made a spinach recipe with peanut butter which we also devoured.  They were sure they were wearing him out -- and thought Tomo will appreciate the quiet of the truck!  We think it was a well needed break back into socializing!!  Glad he had a grand place to find some fellowship.  Thanks to all, Bjorn, Leanne, Ellie and Nik!!

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